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Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission

County: Fresno

Project Year: YOR II Project (2020-2022)

Project Name: Fresno EOC LGBTQ+ Resource Center –YOR California

Lead Agency: Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (EOC) LGBTQ+ Resource Center

Project Description: The Fresno EOC led implementation of the Youth Opioid Response (YOR) Project in Fresno County to expand access to Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and other prevention, treatment, and recovery services for the LGBTQ+ community.  Fresno EOC operates an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and the project is targeting LGBTQ+ youth. The project took a needs-based approach, targeting those with unmet opioid and/or stimulant treatment needs or at-risk of overdose death. Services implemented through this project align with and address all elements of the YOR MAT & Service Model, prioritizing culturally competent, age-appropriate, trauma-informed care focused on positive youth development. Fresno EOC’s role included: 1) providing cultural competency training to partners, 2) conducting outreach and education to identify youth in need of services, 3) providing navigation and case management services to connect youth with appropriate resources, 4) overseeing a Youth Advisory Council, and 5) providing ongoing support through a mental health professional.

Primary Contact:
Name: Jennifer Cruz
Position: LGBTQ+ Manager
Agency: Fresno EOC
Email: Jennifer.Cruz@fresnoeoc.org
Phone: 559-387-5100

Website: https://fresnoeoc.org/lgbtq