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Granite Wellness Centers

Counties: Nevada, Placer

Project Years: YOR I Project (2018-2020)
YOR II Project (2020-2022)

YOR I Project Name: Granite Wellness Centers – Youth Resiliency Project (GWC-YRP)

Partner Agencies (Subcontractors): Coalition for Auburn Youth, Coalition for Nevada County Youth, Chapa De Indian Health, Sierra Care Pediatrics, Nevada County Health and Human Services, Placer County Health and Human Services, Placer Nevada Rx Safety Coalition, Idea Consulting, and more.

Project Description: The purpose of Granite Wellness Centers Youth Resiliency Project is to develop and deliver a coordinated continuum of care —prevention, treatment, and wellness services —specifically addressing OUDs for young people ages 12-24 and their families in rural Nevada and Placer Counties. Coordinating existing services, organizing partners, and implementing new services to address gaps, the continuum includes outreach, education, early intervention, outpatient treatment, MAT, residential treatment, family services, and wellness services to effectively address youth opioid use risk, use, and overdose risk. Strategies include development and dissemination of culturally informed OUD information through diverse channels. The community was engaged in a regional opioid summit and multiple programs to engage families. Education, early intervention services, screening, and referral services are delivered to schools. Opioid specific curriculum was integrated in outpatient treatment. Our long-term plan includes a goal to provide residential services to minors ages 16 and over and engage the region’s first pediatricians to become X-waivered. We are designing a youth-informed wellness clinic to provide behavioral and confidential health services for young people 13-24.

YOR II Project Name: Granite Wellness Centers – Youth Resiliency Project

Partner Agencies:

  • Bright Futures for Youth (BFFY)
  • Hip Hop Congress
  • Boys and Girls Club (BCG)
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS)
  • Coalition for Auburn Youth (CALY)
  • Coalition for Nevada County Youth (CNCY)
  • Chapa De Indian Health/Dr. Alinea Stephens
  • The Foundry, Lincoln
  • Sierra Care Pediatrics/Dr. Mike Curtis & Dr. Pete Harris
  • Kononia
  • Nevada and Placer County Behavioral Health Departments
  • Nevada and Placer County Offices of Education
  • Nevada and Placer County Probation Departments
  • Placer Sheriff’s Activities League (PSAL), Lincoln Police Activities League (LPAL), Roseville Police Activities League (RPAL)
  • Unity Care
  • Western Sierra Medical Clinic (WSMC)
  • What’s Up Wellness
  • Youth Empowerment Support (YES!)

Project Description: In YOR II GWC-YRP continued to develop and deliver  a safe and welcoming continuum of care that specifically addresses opioid and stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs) for youth and their families. The GWC–YRP buildt upon the lessons learned from the YOR I project and is using the substance use disorder (SUD) continuum of care that was developed by GWC over the past 20+ years. The project continues to engage, screen, assess, treat, and promote wellness and recovery for adolescent and transitional aged youth ages 12-24.  The GWC-YRP utilized a three-tier model that offers effective and quality treatment using developmentally appropriate evidence-based assessments and practices supporting youth to identify goals and achieve positive outcomes. The GWC-YRP is striving to deliver and sustain strength-based services that support youth in both Nevada and Placer Counties.

Primary Contact:
Name: Ariel Lovett
Position: Co-Director
Agency: Granite Wellness Centers
Email:  alovett@granitewellness.org
Phone: 530-878-5166

Website: www.granitewellness.org

Summary Material