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La Clinica de la Raza, Inc.

County: Alameda

Project Year: YOR II Project (2020-2022)

Project Name: La Clinica de la Raza YOR BASE4 Program

Project Description: La Clinica de la Raza’s HIV/AIDS prevention services program (TRUCHA, or Together Reaching Users Combating HIV/AIDS) developed a wrap-around program, YOR Base4, to engage youth and young adults in opioid and stimulant use disorder (OUD/StUD) peer navigation, education, and treatment services to reduce their risk of opioid/stimulant overdoses. YOR Base4 enhanced existing substance use disorder treatment and navigation services and provided a safer environment for participants to ensure they receive culturally relevant and sustainable care. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) services are available to all participants who wish to access them, and the program also contracts with external agencies to provide participants with treatment options outside of MAT services provided at La Clinica de La Raza. Overall, the program encourages harm reduction for this target population and reduces the risk of OUD/StUDs in Alameda County.

Primary Contact:
Name: Carmen Foster
Position: Program Director
Agency: La Clinica de la Raza, Inc.
Email: cfoster@laclinica.org
Phone: 510-535-6417

Website: TRUCHA (Together Reaching Users Combating HIV and AIDS) – La Clinica