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National Alliance of Mental Health, San Diego Affiliate (NAMI, San Diego)

County: San Diego

Project Year: YOR I Project (2018-2020)

Project Name: Community Brainstorm Session (CBS) for Youth Opioid Response (YOR)

Project Description: Grounded through a lens of lived experience, coming from a perspective of dignity and respect for both those living with co-occurring conditions (mental health and OUD) and the experience of families witnessing this personal crisis, NAMI San Diego convened and facilitated community strategy and planning celebrations designed to listen, amplify, and celebrate the voices of those standing in the middle of this growing opioid use catastrophe in order to use the community wisdom of those youth and families that have been touched by OUD to create greater community generated solutions improving and expanding access to a variety of OUD prevention, intervention, MAT and other treatment and recovery services for youth thereby preventing opioid overdose-related deaths.

The purpose of this project is to develop a robust community action plan rich with strategies for improving awareness of and access to youth-relevant (OUD) continuum of services. This plan will be created from the combined process of four distinct NAMI San Diego facilitated “Community Brainstorming Sessions” that celebrate and share the authentic voice of a community with lived experience of the impact of OUD. The intention is to reach underserved youth populations in San Diego’s North Central and Eastern Regions – areas experiencing elevated opioid overdose rates.

Primary Contact:
Name: Suzette Southfox
Position: Education Director
Agency: NAMI San Diego
Email: SuzetteSouthfox@namisd.org
Phone: (858) 634-6580 ext. 320

Summary: NAMI SD Project