📢 January is Substance Use Disorder Treatment Month Learn more here

Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services

County: Santa Clara

Project Years: YOR I Project (2018-2020)
YOR III Project (2022-2024)


Project Description:  The Santa Clara County project has three goals:

Provide education on opioid use, its risks, and available resources. Our multi-pronged marketing campaign includes digital ads and toolkits for providers, physicians, school personnel, and other community partners. Toolkits will include educational materials on OUD and the consequences of use for the provider along with client/patient handouts. The digital campaign and all materials will include a link to a website with information on opioids, consequences of use, overdose information, and referral information on how to access outpatient services and MAT. Factsheets will be distributed at health fairs, schools, libraries, community agencies, hospitals, health clinics, and other venues.

Increase access to screening and increase the number of referrals to outpatient treatment and MAT for youth with or at risk of OUDs. Primary care physicians, which includes pediatrics, internal medicine and family practice physicians, will be educated on an effective screening tool and how to refer youth at risk of or exhibiting OUDs for further assessment and treatment.

Implement a team of physicians and clinicians who will provide youth MAT services. Protocols will be developed for collaboration. Protocols will also be developed for primary care, psychiatry, and emergency department physicians to consult with addiction medicine staff on OUD questions. Collaboration meetings will be scheduled to discuss each case.


The County of Santa Clara is embarking on a mission through YOR 3 grant funding to enhance and expand treatment services for our youth and young adults. Recognizing the ever-changing trends in substance use has brought us to a heightened concern for care, as there are more frequent overdoses, other physical and mental health complications and increased risk of death due to opioid and stimulant-related use by our TAY population.

Areas of enhancement within our Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) services will include expansion of our Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) evidence-based best practices model, utilizing a Multi-Dimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) approach, utilizing a Family-Parent Partner to engage family members, improving access to psychiatric assessment, medications and psychotherapy within our Youth System of Care and providing transportation to assist with client/patient access to services.

Primary Contacts:

Name: Dan Lloyd
Position: Management Analyst, Substance Use Treatment Services, Children, Family & Community Services Division
Agency: Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services
Email: dan.lloyd@hhs.sccgov.org
Phone: (408)313-8844

Name: Mira Parwiz
Position: Division Director
Agency: Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services, Substance Use Treatment Services, Children, Family & Community Services Division
Email: mira.parwiz@hhs.sccgov.org
Phone: (650) 623-7839

Website: www.opioidstakeyou.org

Summary: Santa Clary County BH Services Project