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Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission

Project Name: Fresno EOC LGBTQ+ Resource Center –YOR California

Lead Agency: Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (EOC) LGBTQ+ Resource Center

Project Description: The Fresno EOC led implementation of the Youth Opioid Response (YOR) Project in Fresno County to expand access to Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and other prevention, treatment, and recovery services for the LGBTQ+ community.  Fresno EOC operates an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and the project is targeting LGBTQ+ youth. The project took a needs-based approach, targeting those with unmet opioid and/or stimulant treatment needs or at-risk of overdose death. Services implemented through this project align with and address all elements of the YOR MAT & Service Model, prioritizing culturally competent, age-appropriate, trauma-informed care focused on positive youth development. Fresno EOC’s role included: 1) providing cultural competency training to partners, 2) conducting outreach and education to identify youth in need of services, 3) providing navigation and case management services to connect youth with appropriate resources, 4) overseeing a Youth Advisory Council, and 5) providing ongoing support through a mental health professional.

Primary Contact:
Name: Jennifer Cruz
Position: LGBTQ+ Manager
Agency: Fresno EOC
Email: Jennifer.Cruz@fresnoeoc.org
Phone: 559-387-5100

Website: https://fresnoeoc.org/lgbtq

Imperial County Behavioral Health Services

YOR I Project Name: ICBHS Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program – YOR California

Project Description: The YOR California grant project focused on improving and expanding access to OUD and other SUD services that include prevention, treatment, interventions, MAT, and recovery to youth ages 12-24 and their families. ICBHS enhanced outreach and engagement activities by conducting presentations and education in all areas of Imperial County. The YOR California grant supported strengthening partnerships between ICBHS and other community agencies such as law enforcement, mental health, physical health, social services, education, and the LGBT Resource Center.  Activities focused on decreasing the stigma associated with addiction and will increase the support from the community and family members. Outreach and engagement activities were tailored to address the needs of youth and their families. Presentations were delivered for key community members, leaders, and agency directors and management.  These presentations focused on enhancing knowledge on OUD and other SUDs, the elimination of stigma and discrimination, and the need for increased support for the treatment of those in need within our community.

YOR II Project Name: Imperial County Behavioral Health Services-YOR California

Project Description: The Youth Opioid Response (YOR) grant is assisting youth and young adults ages 12 to 24 with opioid use and/or stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs) by enhancing the availability of treatment services. ICBHS is ensuring substance use disorder (SUD) services are responsive to youth and young adults, considering their family values, beliefs, norms, socio-economic, and cultural context. ICBHS’ mission is to provide high quality SUD treatment and outreach services to address youth and young adults with SUD and co-occurring disorders by respecting their individuality and cultural diversity. ICBHS provides a non-judgmental environment, which promotes independence and community integration for individuals with the support of family, peers, and the community.

YOR III: Project Name: Imperial County Behavioral Health Services-YOR California

Project Description: ICBHS will utilize YOR California Round 3 grant funds to expand and strengthen outreach efforts to prevent overdoses, reduce emergency department visits, and diminish stigma associated with opioid and stimulant disorder among youth and young adults. Furthermore, ICBHS will focus on addressing the needs of individuals with risk factors that include school truancy, suspensions, involvement in the criminal justice system, experiencing co-occurring disorders, trauma or stigma, involved in the foster care system or aging out, undocumented, LGBTQIA2+ population, and experiencing family problems. Additionally, cultural issues, poverty, language barriers, and lack of education are also risk factors affecting Imperial County.  Services provided through the YOR California grant will promote the enhancement of collaborative relationships with community agencies and school districts that will enable prevention of overdoses and provide retention and successful treatment outcomes for individuals with SUD. These services will support youth and young adults with reintegrating back to the community for a sustained recovery.  

Primary Contacts:
Name: Ana E. Contreras
Position: Project Director
Agency: Imperial County Behavioral Health Services
Email: anacontreras@co.imperial.ca.us
Phone: 442-265-7265

Name: Victoria Mansfield         
Position: Deputy Director
Agency: ICBHS
Email: victoriamansfield@co.imperial.ca.us
Phone: 442-265-7909

Website: https://bhs.imperialcounty.org

Summary: Imperial County Project

Granite Wellness Centers

YOR I Project Name: Granite Wellness Centers – Youth Resiliency Project (GWC-YRP)

Partner Agencies (Subcontractors): Coalition for Auburn Youth, Coalition for Nevada County Youth, Chapa De Indian Health, Sierra Care Pediatrics, Nevada County Health and Human Services, Placer County Health and Human Services, Placer Nevada Rx Safety Coalition, Idea Consulting, and more.

Project Description: The purpose of Granite Wellness Centers Youth Resiliency Project is to develop and deliver a coordinated continuum of care —prevention, treatment, and wellness services —specifically addressing OUDs for young people ages 12-24 and their families in rural Nevada and Placer Counties. Coordinating existing services, organizing partners, and implementing new services to address gaps, the continuum includes outreach, education, early intervention, outpatient treatment, MAT, residential treatment, family services, and wellness services to effectively address youth opioid use risk, use, and overdose risk. Strategies include development and dissemination of culturally informed OUD information through diverse channels. The community was engaged in a regional opioid summit and multiple programs to engage families. Education, early intervention services, screening, and referral services are delivered to schools. Opioid specific curriculum was integrated in outpatient treatment. Our long-term plan includes a goal to provide residential services to minors ages 16 and over and engage the region’s first pediatricians to become X-waivered. We are designing a youth-informed wellness clinic to provide behavioral and confidential health services for young people 13-24.

YOR II Project Name: Granite Wellness Centers – Youth Resiliency Project

Partner Agencies:

  • Bright Futures for Youth (BFFY)
  • Hip Hop Congress
  • Boys and Girls Club (BCG)
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS)
  • Coalition for Auburn Youth (CALY)
  • Coalition for Nevada County Youth (CNCY)
  • Chapa De Indian Health/Dr. Alinea Stephens
  • The Foundry, Lincoln
  • Sierra Care Pediatrics/Dr. Mike Curtis & Dr. Pete Harris
  • Kononia
  • Nevada and Placer County Behavioral Health Departments
  • Nevada and Placer County Offices of Education
  • Nevada and Placer County Probation Departments
  • Placer Sheriff’s Activities League (PSAL), Lincoln Police Activities League (LPAL), Roseville Police Activities League (RPAL)
  • Unity Care
  • Western Sierra Medical Clinic (WSMC)
  • What’s Up Wellness
  • Youth Empowerment Support (YES!)

Project Description: In YOR II GWC-YRP continued to develop and deliver  a safe and welcoming continuum of care that specifically addresses opioid and stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs) for youth and their families. The GWC–YRP buildt upon the lessons learned from the YOR I project and is using the substance use disorder (SUD) continuum of care that was developed by GWC over the past 20+ years. The project continues to engage, screen, assess, treat, and promote wellness and recovery for adolescent and transitional aged youth ages 12-24.  The GWC-YRP utilized a three-tier model that offers effective and quality treatment using developmentally appropriate evidence-based assessments and practices supporting youth to identify goals and achieve positive outcomes. The GWC-YRP is striving to deliver and sustain strength-based services that support youth in both Nevada and Placer Counties.

Primary Contact:
Name: Ariel Lovett
Position: Co-Director
Agency: Granite Wellness Centers
Email:  alovett@granitewellness.org
Phone: 530-878-5166

Website: www.granitewellness.org

Summary Material

Door To Hope

Project Name: Door to Hope – YOR California

Partner Agencies: Your Social Marketer

Project Description: To strengthen and expand youth SUD, OUD, and MAT capacity in Monterey County – Door to Hope has delivered targeted outreach to youth ages 12-24 with an OUD or at high-risk for an OUD by enhancing and positioning primary prevention to deliver outreach for at-risk youth in YOR . As well as enhanced/expanded licensed, CARF accredited SUD, co-occurring, and MAT treatment and recovery programs to vulnerable and marginalized youth and their families in age-appropriate, culturally competent, and trauma-informed treatment.

Door to Hope’s intent in YOR 3 to expand both access and the quality of existing services for our target population with OUD/StUDs through Youth Engagement at prevention, early intervention, and medical crisis points. The YOR 3 project develops partnerships and methodology to expand capacity, service delivery systems, and outreach through social media to reduce OUD/StUD among youth in Monterey County.

Primary Contact:
Name: Chris Shannon     
Position: Executive Director
Agency: Door to Hope
Email: chriss@doortohope.org
Phone: (831) 758-0181

Contra Costa Health Services

Project Name: Contra Costa Health Services – YOR California

Project Description: Contra Costa Health Services operates school-based clinics at 23 middle and high schools and clinics at four homelessness shelters. The YOR California Project expanded services in four high school clinics and four homeless clinics in West and East Contra Costa County to include screening, intervention and treatment services for youth ages 13-24 years who have or are at risk of an OUD. The intervention and treatment services included MAT with buprenorphine and behavioral health counseling. In addition, the YOR California Project included targeted outreach and engagement activities to high-risk youth in school settings and in homelessness shelters. The grant supported the addition of two new behavioral health clinicians to serve youth with/or at risk of an OUD and one health educator.

Primary Contact:
Name: Alvin Silva
Position: Public Health Clinic Services Director
Agency: Contra Costa Health Services
Email: Alvin.Silva@cchealth.org
Phone: (925) 608-5116

Website: www.cchealth.org

Summary: Contra Costa Health Services Project

CommuniCare Health Centers

YOR I Project Name: CommuniCare Health Centers (CCHC) – YOUTH OPIOID RESPONSE (YOR)

Project Description: CCHC expanded MAT treatment, opioid prevention and early intervention for youth and emerging adults ages 12-24 throughout Yolo County. At the time of the grant kick off,  there were no MAT treatment providers for youth in Yolo County. CommuniCare Health Centers (CCHC) is the primary outpatient mental health/substance use disorder (SUD) provider for youth and adults (including MAT) in the County. Services developed and implemented included a young adult SUD outpatient treatment group 2 days a week, educational groups provided in local schools for youth, educational groups for parents, and outreach via social media platforms.

YOR II Project Name: CommuniCare Health Centers (CCHC) – YOUTH OPIOID RESPONSE (YOR)

Project Description: YOR II expanded outreach to local schools and agencies to identify youth and young adults who are misusing opioids and/or stimulants. The project focused on specialty media projects, including billboard advertising and short videos/commercials that will support our efforts of bringing non-stigmatizing messages about recovery, Medication-Assisted Treatment, and substance use disorders to our community.

YOR III Project Name: CommuniCare Health Centers (CCHC) – YOUTH OPIOID RESPONSE (YOR)

Since participating in YOR I CommuniCare Health Centers (CCHC) has been integral to bringing Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) to youth seeking these services in Yolo County. While collaboration, awareness, and appreciation for efforts within the community around increasing access to MAT for youth and young adults has gained momentum, CCHC continues to see a need for consistent approaches to the needs of youth and their families struggling with opioid, stimulant and alcohol use disorders. Through the scope of this project, we will employ a full time Outreach and Engagement Specialist who will support young people in accessing necessary Substance Use and MAT Services, as well as partner with the community on initiatives for increasing awareness on referral pathways and services available to those most in need.

Primary Contact:

Name: Joey Gray, PSS
Position: SUD-Education & Outreach Coordinator
Agency: CommuniCare Health Centers
Email: josephg@communicarehc.org
Phone: 916-403-2970 Ext.2937
Cell: 530-759-3136

Website: http://www.yoloopioidcoalition.org/youth.html

Summary YOR I: CommuniCare Project