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YOR California Request for Applications

The California Youth Opioid Response (YOR California) project is seeking applicants for YOR 4 grant funding. Applicants must demonstrate their ability to successfully provide treatment services and/or expand access for youth, TAY, and young adults with OUD/StUD and/or those at risk of misusing illicit substances and counterfeit pharmaceuticals often mixed with fentanyl.

The YOR Model is based on the experience, accomplishments, and lessons learned by previous YOR California grantees as well as established evidenced based practices.  It combines funding for direct services; peer-to-peer learning through learning collaboratives; training; and direct technical assistance to support grantee efforts. These grants are designed to foster the coordination and strengthening of local partnerships between agencies that touch youth and young adults.

YOR California encourages organizations to apply for this opportunity to ignite innovations and collaboration into efforts to significantly improve the delivery of coordinated services to youth and young adults.


The entire YOR application is contained in an online fillable form, located in Survey Monkey Apply (SMA) platform. Complete the YOR California fillable application and upload the required attachments by the deadline 4 p.m. PST on March 13, 2025. Instructions are included in the RFA and application.

Applications must be submitted through SurveyMonkey Apply (SMA) before that date and time.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application is complete with attachments and properly submitted.


Based on applicant inquiries and further consideration, we are providing clarification on the acceptable forms of “Audited Financial Statement” for the YOR grant application.

Organizations with an annual budget of $2 million or more must submit audited financial statements as originally required.

For County, City, and Other Government Organizations: A Comprehensive Financial Report prepared by the controller or auditor is acceptable.

Organizations with an annual budget of less than $2 million may submit any of the following to demonstrate financial health and organizational viability over the past two years:

  • Internally prepared financial statements covering at least the past two fiscal years, demonstrating the organization’s financial position and stability.
  • The two most recent IRS Form 990s
  • A CPA-reviewed or compiled financial statement
  • Applicants that have alternative documentation reflecting financial health and sustainability over the past two years may contact YORCalifornia@ahpnet.com until 3/7/2025 to determine acceptability.

Thank you for your attention to this clarification.


Survey Monkey Apply Online Application
Application Deadline: March 13, 2025 at 4 p.m. PT
UPDATED (3/6/25) Budget Template and Budget Instructions
We have updated the YOR grant budget template. If you have not yet completed your budget submission, please ensure that you download and use the latest version, updated on 3.6.25.
Please ensure you are using the most current version to avoid any submission issues. If you have already completed your budget, no further action is required.
Allowable and Unallowable Expenses
Informational Webinar Recording: February 4, 2025
Informational Webinar PowerPoint Slides
Expected Award Announcement: April 2025
Expected Grant Period: May 1, 2025 to September 29, 2027.

Day One

Project Name:  Health Ambassador Leadership Program

Project Description:  The Health Ambassador Leadership Program aims to address the opioid epidemic by empowering and engaging young individuals in an action-oriented coalition over a 10-month period. Through monthly meetings, participants develop leadership skills and gain knowledge about opioids, prevention, and interventions, including the use of Naloxone. They learn how to collect peer input using surveys and to increase awareness of support services. Participants create impactful social media posts, engage in community events, and organize youth activities to promote a healthy lifestyle. This program equips youth to effect positive change in their community by fostering leadership skills and raising awareness about opioid-related issues among their peers and their community.

Primary Contact:

Name: Nancy Verdin
Position: Project Director
Email: Nancy@GoDayOne.org
(626) 429-5253

Agency Website:   www.GoDayOne.org

BAART Programs

Project Name: BAART Programs Turk Street Youth Opioid Response

Partner Agencies: BayMark Community Health

Project Description: BAART Programs Turk Street Youth Opioid Response will address the opioid epidemic in San Francisco for youth and families by increasing medication assisted treatment services; interventions, health care, and behavioral health to the adolescents and transitional age youth (ages 16-24 with parental consent for age s 16 & 17). The goal of the project is to engage the youth challenged with opioid use disorders in a two-pronged model that includes medication assisted treatment and individual and family counseling with an LCSW and Licensed Psychologist. This project was designed based on SOR I and II capacity building efforts to increase access to quality service pathways for youth misusing opioids. This program builds on the lessons learned and success achieved with funding from the State Opioid Response Grants’ (SOR I and II) Hub and Spoke Projects. The work is designed to build sustainable local-level capacity to continuously improve the opioid response to a diverse and underserved youth population.

Primary Contact:

Name: Evelyn Nelson
Position: Treatment Center Director
Agency: BAART Programs
Email: evelynnelson@baartprograms.com
Phone: (415) 928-7800


Project Name: Aldea YOR

Project Description: Aldea is the essential community partner for children and families in crisis.  Implementing the YOR Project will allow Aldea to increase the capacity and access to quality services for youth and young adults (ages 12-24) misusing opioids and/or stimulants, particularly those with Opioid Use and Amphetamine Use Disorders, in Solano County. Through outreach to all Solano County communities, especially rural communities with a high percentage of opioid related overdose, Aldea will engage stakeholders, including a youth advisory council, and partnering agencies to identify gaps and barriers to engagement, treatment, and retention in services.

With our partners and stakeholders, we will provide  youth specific screening,  access to a drop-in center and treatment programs, including medication assisted treatment, and recovery support programs. Outreach and engagement efforts will be multifaceted and will include targeting historically underserved populations including LGBQTI, Latinx, African America, and Asian America/Pacific Islander communities. The lasting impact of this project includes community education, de-stigmatization of harm reduction interventions and treatment, early identification of Opioid Use and Amphetamine Use Disorders, broad community outreach and education, and expedited clear pathways to treatment that support young people and their families.

Primary Contact:

Name: Katie Stith
Position: SUDS Administrative Supervisor
Agency: Aldea
Email: kstith@aldeainc.org
Phone: (707) 913-5756

Website: https://www.aldeainc.org/

LAC + USC Medical Center Foundation

Project Name: Quick Start for Youth Program

Project Description: The Quick Start for Youth program within the LA General Medical Center Foundation aims to efficiently connect high-risk priority youth with addiction specialists, with new collaborations between LA County agencies and community members. This initiative will extend the medical model for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) care. Our primary population is current or former child welfare and juvenile justice-involved youth, with a particular focus on those in out-of-home care, specifically foster care. 

We encourage medically-driven approaches to effectively address the needs of youth who are using or misusing opioids and/or stimulants. Long-term, this will lay the foundation for sustainable enhanced programming within County systems. We support successful engagement of youth in their medical home, and ensure medical providers are fluent in treating youth with addiction. By linking youth with dedicated specialists, training service providers in evidence-based strategies, standardizing screening processes, and promoting engagement in medical homes, the Quick Start for Youth seeks to significantly impact the lives of high-risk youth, fostering a supportive path to recovery and well-being. 

Primary Contact:

Name: Lela Mazdyasnian
Position: Addiction and Community Medicine Coordinator
Email: LMazdyasnian@dhs.lacounty.gov 
Wellness Center community phone number: (213) 784-9191

Logan Heights Community Development Corporation

Project Name: Finding Outlets for Youth with Substance Abuse Issues

Partner Agencies: Urban Restoration Counseling Center (URCC), San Diego Unified School District, San Diego Youth Services, South Bay Community Services, San Diego Unified School Police

Project Description: With partnerships from the school systems, law enforcement agencies and community involvement, we are able to enroll youth that are showing signs of opioid use or involvement as well as the family members. The self referral system works if youth feel that they need help and do not know where to turn for help 

Primary Contact:

Name: Eddie Underwood
Position: Director Youth Empowerment and Diversion
Agency: Logan Heights CDC
Email: Eddieu@loganheightscdc.org
Phone: 619-329-4641

 Website: www.loganheightscdc.org