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The Project Name: Youth Advocacy and Treatment Program (YAT)

Partners: Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District

Description:  The CLARE|MATRIX (C|M) Youth Advocacy and Treatment Program (YAT) will serve 35 youth aged 12-24 within 14-months. The YAT program will expand upon current C|M youth prevention programs such as Clarity for Youth within the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District. The program objectives for YAT participants age 12-17 will include SUD education; family therapy and education; individual and group SUD therapy; MAT education and referral services; linkages to external community resources/services; 12-step introduction for teens; peer support; sober fun activities; and the opportunity to be a part of a youth advocacy and advisory panel. Program objectives from YAT participants aged 18-24 will include all those listed above, as well as withdrawal management, gender-specific residential treatment, and outpatient treatment services, including medication assisted treatment. Additionally, C|M will build additional community partnerships to expand services to more youth across Los Angeles County communities, with a special focus placed on reaching youth in SPA 5 and 6. 

Primary Contact:

Name: Dara Yomjinda
Position: Senior Director of Clinical Operations
Email: Dyomjinda@Clarematrix.org
Phone: 310-314-6200

Web Site: https://www.clarematrix.org/treatment/who-we-serve/youth/

Union of Pan Asian Communities, San Diego

Program Name: A New Start

Description: A New Start is an outpatient MAT (Medically Assisted Treatment) program created out of lack of MAT services for adolescents struggling with substance use and abuse.  A New Start will be able to prescribed MAT for 12-17 years old that are not otherwise able to access MAT services by implementing them at our County funded Teen Recovery Center. A New Start provides MAT services specifically tailored to the TAY population struggling with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) or at risk of OUD.  A New Start focuses on raising awareness through outreach and education of MAT services, that especially targets the underserved populations of San Diego’s East African Communities and homeless transitional age youth. A New start program includes a provider that prescribes MAT medications, a Case Manager that helps with screening and referral support, a  Peer Support Specialist who helps train and distributes Narcan to the community and an administrative support.

Primary Contact:             
Name: Jessica Martin
Position: Assistant Director
Email: jmartin@upacsd.com
Phone: (760) 822-9946

Website: www.upacsd.com   

Loma Linda University Medical Center-Department of Emergency Medicine

Project Name: LLUEM YOR3 Capacity

Our primary goal is to expand services for youth misusing opioids and/or stimulants by adapting successful models already in place for adults. Capacity grant funding will help:

1. Offer resources and access for the target population with Opioid and/or Stimulant Use Disorder within the Pediatric ED by establishing effective pathways to support youth services and community collaborations.

2. Partnering with Substance Use Navigators and Community Health Workers to facilitate expert services to decrease potential for repeat overdoses and possible death.

3. Identify efficient training of substance use treatment modalities to health care professionals, educational programs, and community outreach in our region.

4. Enhance involvement with Behavioral Medicine Center Addiction Medicine specialists to arrange outpatient resources. The goal for this is to expand capacity to navigate patients to appropriate treatment. This will allow the ED to be a welcoming environment for patients with behavioral health challenges and increased quality of care.

Primary Contact:

Name: Sharmin Kalam, MD
Email: skalam@llu.edu
Phone: (909) 558-4000 x81510

St. John’s Community Health-Integrated Behavioral Health Services

Partner Agencies (Subcontractors): Compton Unified School District (CUSD), Compton Community College District (CCCD)

Project Description: Our project will help address the needs of youth (ages 12-24) in the City of Compton who use substances.  The project seeks to lower the incidence of overdose and help mitigate the impact of opioid and stimulant misuse through education, advocacy, and sustainable culture change that reduce stigma around drug use; increase awareness of overdose response strategies and availability of naloxone; and improve the partners’ collective capacity to competently address the needs of youth who abuse substances.

St. John’s Community Health (SJCH) provides medical, dental, behavioral health, and support services through 20 health clinics in Los Angeles areas to low income, uninsured, underinsured, and insured community members of all ages. Our mission is to improve community health and reduce health disparities by delivering high quality, comprehensive services and impacting health and social policy. Our partnerships with agencies in Los Angeles complement and deepen the impact of our work on residents and our advocacy for systemic improvement and positive health outcomes.

Primary Contact:
Name: Deborah C. Bradley, LMFT, Ph.D.
Position: Director, Integrated Behavioral Health Services
Agency: St. John’s Community Health
Email: dbradley@wellchild.org
Phone: (213) 431-9345


Harbor Community Health Centers

Project Name: Adolescent and Early Adult Addiction/Recovery Program


Harbor Community Health Centers (HCHC) will expand its existing Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) services to include an Adolescent and Early Adult Addiction/Recovery program. This program will strengthen HCHC’s capacity and increase access to treatment for a broad spectrum of substance use disorders, including opioid use disorders and stimulant use disorders, especially among Latinx youth and young adults experiencing homelessness in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County.

Project activities focus on comprehensive, age-appropriate interventions, including screening and referral to treatment with general and specialty care providers. Additional activities include case management and outreach, peer support, prevention, and supportive services. Our goal is to better address the specific needs of youth and young adults and diversify the range of health care settings that can serve as an access point for youth to receive evidence-based treatment.

Primary Contact for Information about the Project:

Name: Caleb Lusk, MD
Title: Medical Director
Email address: clusk@pickharbor.org
Phone number: 310-547-0202 

Agency Web Site link: https://www.harborchc.org/services/substance-use-disorder

West County Health Centers

Project Name: West County Health Youth Services School Partnership

Partners: West Sonoma County Union High School District- Analy High School & Laguna High School, Guerneville Unified School District


As part of a network of community-based organizations, West County Health Centers will backbone and provide direct care and supportive services for students and families with opioid, stimulant and other substance use or misuse disorders within the school environment. This Community School model, in which collaborative services are offered where students and families congregate and systems of services are already connected, allows for a more natural space for integrated addiction and behavioral health services. 

This grant will allow for training for staff, community and peers, about harm-reduction, substance use assessment, treatment options, referral to care, care management support, and stigma reduction; MAT for students and families with substance use disorder; psychiatric assessment and treatment for co-morbid mental health disorders; care management and care coordination for students and families; peer training and co-design around support and engagement programs; needle exchange; and Naloxone distribution. 

Primary Contact:  

Name: Erin Elo 
Position: Youth & Gender Services Manager 
Email: eelo@wchealth.org 
Phone: 707-887-0427 

Website: https://www.wchealth.org/service/youth-services/