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Uplift Family Services

Project Name: Operation No Wrong Door

Partner Agencies:

  • School Health Clinics of Santa Clara County (SHC)
  • Pacific Clinics (PC)
  • Pathway Society
  • Campbell Union High School District
  • Eastside Union High School District
  • Alum Rock Union School District
  • San Jose Unified School District

Project Description: Operation No Wrong Door supports teens and young adults ages 12 to 24 from underserved communities impacted by the opioid crisis, stimulant misuse, and substance use disorders (SUDs). This support individuals is centered in our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC), led by Uplift Family Services (UFS), School Health Clinics of Santa Clara (SHC), and Pacific Clinics (PC). A number of services and supports are offered, including:  1) Medication-Assisted Treatment for opioid use disorder, 2) a comprehensive array of SUD services, and 3) community education and treatment resources to address opioid and stimulant misuse. The program is throughout Santa Clara County via community outreach efforts, local schools with UFS school-based programs and SHC primary care sites. Those seeking treatment are assessed and referred to an array of evidence-based services that incorporate families, are strengths-based, and address social determinants of health, regardless of ability to pay.

Primary Contact:
Name: Rachelle Grant
Position: Project Director
Agency: Uplift Family Services
Email: CCBHC@upliftfs.org
Phone: 408-876-4284

Website: https://upliftfs.org/ccbhc

Yurok Health and Human Services Department, Yurok Tribe

YOR I Project Name:  Yurok Youth Opioid Response

Project Description: Yurok provided outreach and engagement to Yurok Tribal youth and families at risk and with OUD.  Planned outreach included community engagement/events, cultural mentoring, education events, development and distribution of outreach materials, and social media campaign.  Prevention and intervention included youth groups using American Indian Life Skills, Peers offering Education Wisdom and Respect (POWER), cultural mentoring individua and group, screening, referrals, and case management. Case management was provided to those who are at highest risk and in need of treatment and other assistance. The coordinator worked with MAT, SUD, and other providers to develop memorandums of understanding (MOUs) for increasing and streamlining of referrals, access, and joint training opportunities.

YOR II Project Name: Yurok Youth Opioid Response Program (YYOR)

Partner Agencies:

  • Yurok Tribe Wellness Coalition, Yurok Tribal Court
  • Yurok Tribe Education
  • Two Feathers Native American Family Services
  • Department of Health and Human Services; Humboldt/Del Norte Counties
  • Northern California Indian Development Council
  • INC
  • United Indian Health Services
  • K’ima:w Medical Center
  • Rx Safe-Humboldt/Del Norte Counites

Project Description: Our mission is to address opioid/stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs) among Yurok youth ages 12-24, providing access to services such as intervention, screening, assessment, and comprehensive case management. Continued focus is on stigma reduction and accessing services, including Medication-Assisted Treatment. Youth response programming aims to increase contingency planning to include culturally relevant treatment and recovery services. We are guided by our values of cultural responsiveness, family engagement, and youth-driven, trauma-informed practice.  Also, YYOR is about strengthening our partnerships; we are engaging, networking, and developing agreements with community partners, such as health care systems and mental health service providers serving the most rural demographics of both Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. The intended outcome of our approach is to increase sustainable access to treatment and intervention services for Yurok youth and their families that have been impacted by OUD/StUDs.

Primary Contacts:
Name: Annelia Hillman
Position: Yurok Health and Human Services Program Outreach Services Manager
Agency: Yurok Tribe
Email: ahillman@yuroktribe.nsn.us
Phone: (530) 625 – 4130 x1619

Name: Alita Redner
Position: ICWA/Behavioral Health Division Director, Yurok Health and Human Services Department
Agency: Yurok Tribe
Email: aredner@yuroktribe.nsn.us
Phone: 530-625-4130

Website: www.yuroktribe.org/yurok-youth

Young People in Recovery

Project Name: Young People in Recovery (YPR)

Project Description: YPR chapters support people in or seeking recovery by providing the following services: an alternative peer group, life-skills workshops, regular all-recovery meetings, and pro-social activities. Chapters also advocate on the local, state, and federal levels for the interests of the recovery community. Within the state of California, YPR has 14 operating chapters located in cities across the state extending all the way from San Diego to Redding. Each of these chapters provides recovery support services, in addition to establishing partnerships with other community organizations to promote access to harm reduction and Medication-Assisted Treatment services (where applicable). As a capacity-building grantee, YPR began to expand our community services by training and distributing Naloxone through our project coordinators. With the help of a consulting firm, YPR undertook broadening our understanding of the recovery community through diversity, equity, and inclusion professional development.

Primary Contact:
Name: Saraiha Sampson
Position: California Program Manager
Email: Saraiha.Sampson@youngpeopleinrecovery.org
Phone: 424-345-4790

Website: www.Youngpeopleinrecovery.org

The Teen Project, Inc.

YOR I Project Name: The Teen Project – YOR California

Project Description: The purpose of the proposed project was  to expand The Teen Project’s continuum of treatment services dedicated to female foster youth, throw away youth, and survivors of human trafficking to include outpatient treatment services, MAT services, and opioid awareness and addiction prevention community outreach training. The Orange County outpatient treatment center is less than two miles from our main residential site, Vera’s Sanctuary, and will support a similar population. Addiction and opioid education in the community is the backbone of our outreach.

YOR II Project Name: Project SYLO (Street Youth Locate & Outreach)

Partner Agencies: Youth Moving On/Hillsides and McMillen Foundation

Project Description: TTP works exclusively with youth ages 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness or at-risk and is focusing on outreach and treatment for youth with opioid and/or stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs). Outreach workers are sent to the streets where youth who are homeless live, socialize, and engage in substance use, placing them at significant risk of overdose and death. Our team of professionals work to surround participating youth with quality care and services, including Medication-Assisted Treatment and other substance use disorder treatment and recovery services, housing resources, job training and employment search assistance, vocational training, benefits access, and health insurance coverage. Aftercare plans include ongoing case management as needed through our outpatient continuum, 12-Step support groups, and a relapse outreach plan. TTP developed billboard ads, social media posts, and mobile technologies to engage youth. We want our clients to know that relapse is part of recovery and entrust that TTP will guide them throughout their journey.

Primary Contacts:
Name: Lauri Burns
Position: Executive Director
Agency: The Teen Project, Inc.
Phone: (949) 283-1260

Name: Maria Rum-Aharonian
Position: Program Coordinator
Agency: The Teen Project, Inc.
Phone: 818-582-8832

Website: www.THETEENPROJECT.com

Volunteers of America Los Angeles (VOALA)

YOR I Project Name: VOALA YOR Program

Project Description: The project enabled VOALA to improve and expand access to a continuum of OUD early intervention services and treatment as coordinated with agency and community providers, including access to MAT, for youth and young adults ages 12-24 and their families in LAC, thereby preventing opioid overdose-related deaths and other serious consequences.

YOR II Project Name: Volunteers of America Los Angeles Youth Opioid Response (YOR) 2

Partner Agencies:

  • LACADA-Los Angeles for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Youth and Family Services
  • Home Boys Industries
  • BAART Treatment Centers
  • CA Bridge
  • Sobriety Central
  • Cri-Help

Project Description: YOR 2 focused on intervention and comprehensive service planning for youth misusing opioids/stimulants or with opioid/stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs). VOALA YOR 2 concentrated on sustainability and system change by providing multiple service elements that include case management, Medication-Assisted Treatment, behavioral interventions, family focused services, and recovery supportive services. We have an emphasis on creating a space for clients to connect with a mentor who has previously completed the program to address the principles and fundamentals and share their own experience in addiction recovery. VOALA YOR project  also conducted early intervention for those who are misusing opioids/stimulants.

Primary Contacts:
Name: Jasmond Nelson
Position: Senior Program Manager
Agency: VOALA
Email: Jnelson@voala.org            
Phone: (213) 500-6013

Name: Jessica Munoz
Position: Program Manager II
Agency: VOALA
Email: Jmunoz@voala.org
Phone: 213-610-7531

Website: www.VOALA.org

Summary: VOALA Project

Valley Health Associates

YOR I: Capacity Building Project Name: Text Messaging Treatment Support

Project Description: Valley Health Associates implemented a multimodal youth outpatient program involving the use of mobile text messaging to increase treatment success rates for youth and young adults experiencing substance use disorders.

Goal 1: Conduct a feasibility study of introducing a mobile health text messaging platform for use with youth and young adults recovering from opioid addiction.

Goal 2: Develop statistics from data, to establish a baseline, for assessing the success of the multi-modal intervention involving youth and young adults.

YOR II Direct Service  Project Name: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Youth

Partner Agencies: Baktun12 and Harmony at Home

Project Description: Valley Health Associates and partners set out to reduce youth overdoses and the number of youth with opioid/stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs) who are incarcerated by increasing access to treatment—especially MAT. The path of the system’s delivered punishment experienced by youth with OUD/StUDs is substantially altered to a pathway of treatment through the development of youth empowerment and leadership through systems- and policy-change advocacy and outreach and increasing access to OUD/StUDs treatment and recovery services for youth (12-24) and their families.

Primary Contacts:
Name: Amy Bravo
Position: Executive Director
Agency: Valley Health Associates
Email: amy.vha@att.net
Phone: (831) 424-6655 ext. 14

Name: Lynne Glover
Position: Interim Executive Director
Agency: Valley Health Associates
Email: lglover@valleyhealthassociates.com
Phone: 831-424-6655 Ext. 23

Website: www.valleyhealthassociates.com

YOR I Summary: Valley Health Associates Project