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Capacity Building

Valley Health Associates

YOR I: Capacity Building Project Name: Text Messaging Treatment Support

Project Description: Valley Health Associates implemented a multimodal youth outpatient program involving the use of mobile text messaging to increase treatment success rates for youth and young adults experiencing substance use disorders.

Goal 1: Conduct a feasibility study of introducing a mobile health text messaging platform for use with youth and young adults recovering from opioid addiction.

Goal 2: Develop statistics from data, to establish a baseline, for assessing the success of the multi-modal intervention involving youth and young adults.

YOR II Direct Service  Project Name: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Youth

Partner Agencies: Baktun12 and Harmony at Home

Project Description: Valley Health Associates and partners set out to reduce youth overdoses and the number of youth with opioid/stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs) who are incarcerated by increasing access to treatment—especially MAT. The path of the system’s delivered punishment experienced by youth with OUD/StUDs is substantially altered to a pathway of treatment through the development of youth empowerment and leadership through systems- and policy-change advocacy and outreach and increasing access to OUD/StUDs treatment and recovery services for youth (12-24) and their families.

Primary Contacts:
Name: Amy Bravo
Position: Executive Director
Agency: Valley Health Associates
Email: amy.vha@att.net
Phone: (831) 424-6655 ext. 14

Name: Lynne Glover
Position: Interim Executive Director
Agency: Valley Health Associates
Email: lglover@valleyhealthassociates.com
Phone: 831-424-6655 Ext. 23

Website: www.valleyhealthassociates.com

YOR I Summary: Valley Health Associates Project

Young People in Recovery

Project Name: Young People in Recovery (YPR)

Project Description: YPR chapters support people in or seeking recovery by providing the following services: an alternative peer group, life-skills workshops, regular all-recovery meetings, and pro-social activities. Chapters also advocate on the local, state, and federal levels for the interests of the recovery community. Within the state of California, YPR has 14 operating chapters located in cities across the state extending all the way from San Diego to Redding. Each of these chapters provides recovery support services, in addition to establishing partnerships with other community organizations to promote access to harm reduction and Medication-Assisted Treatment services (where applicable). As a capacity-building grantee, YPR began to expand our community services by training and distributing Naloxone through our project coordinators. With the help of a consulting firm, YPR undertook broadening our understanding of the recovery community through diversity, equity, and inclusion professional development.

Primary Contact:
Name: Saraiha Sampson
Position: California Program Manager
Email: Saraiha.Sampson@youngpeopleinrecovery.org
Phone: 424-345-4790

Website: www.Youngpeopleinrecovery.org

TriCity Health Center (TCHC)

Project Name: Fremont Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative (FYSAPC)

Partner Agencies (Subcontractors): Cardea Services

Project Description:  With support from the Fremont Unified School District and with the assistance of Cardea, TCHC developed a community action plan that outlined an implementation project that supported outreach, engagement, treatment, and recovery services for Fremont youth (primarily ages 12-18) and their families.  The continuum included referrals to TCHC’s MAT and behavioral health programs, as well as other local, youth-specific SUD and OUD services.

Primary Contact:
Name:  Desrie Campbell
Position: Development Specialist-Community Engagement
Agency:  TCHC
Email:  dcampbell@tri-cityhealth.org
Phone: (510) 252-6819

Website: www.tri-cityhealth.org

Summary: Tri City Health Project

National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA)

Project Name: San Gabriel Valley YOR Project (SGV YOR)

Project Description: SGV YOR sought to address issues related to access and visibility of resources for Asian American youth (ages 12-24) at risk or with OUDs. The SGV-YOR convened and developed successful strategies that are culturally and linguistically relevant to Asian American young people. The project served to connect existing SUD resources to leverage and maximize the project’s impact in the highly diverse Asian American communities.

Primary Contact:
Name: Myron Dean Quon, Esq.
Position: Executive Director
Email: mquon@napafasa.org
Phone: (213) 293-8889

Website: www.napafasa.org 

Summary: NAPAFASA Project

National Alliance of Mental Health, San Diego Affiliate (NAMI, San Diego)

Project Name: Community Brainstorm Session (CBS) for Youth Opioid Response (YOR)

Project Description: Grounded through a lens of lived experience, coming from a perspective of dignity and respect for both those living with co-occurring conditions (mental health and OUD) and the experience of families witnessing this personal crisis, NAMI San Diego convened and facilitated community strategy and planning celebrations designed to listen, amplify, and celebrate the voices of those standing in the middle of this growing opioid use catastrophe in order to use the community wisdom of those youth and families that have been touched by OUD to create greater community generated solutions improving and expanding access to a variety of OUD prevention, intervention, MAT and other treatment and recovery services for youth thereby preventing opioid overdose-related deaths.

The purpose of this project is to develop a robust community action plan rich with strategies for improving awareness of and access to youth-relevant (OUD) continuum of services. This plan will be created from the combined process of four distinct NAMI San Diego facilitated “Community Brainstorming Sessions” that celebrate and share the authentic voice of a community with lived experience of the impact of OUD. The intention is to reach underserved youth populations in San Diego’s North Central and Eastern Regions – areas experiencing elevated opioid overdose rates.

Primary Contact:
Name: Suzette Southfox
Position: Education Director
Agency: NAMI San Diego
Email: SuzetteSouthfox@namisd.org
Phone: (858) 634-6580 ext. 320

Summary: NAMI SD Project

Mathiesen Memorial Health Clinic

Project Name: MMHC’s Youth Opioid Response (YOR) Capacity-Building Project 

Project Description: MMHC’s YOR Capacity Building project set the way for MMHC to prepare to serve youth in response to the opioid/substance use crises. The target population is the youth members of the Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk tribe and unaffiliated youth Native American Indians (ages 12 -24) who reside in Tuolumne County. MMHC’s project target population also includes non-tribal youth (ages 12-24) who live in the service area (zip codes 95327 and 95370). MMHC completed a comprehensive assessment, determining assets, gaps, and barriers to youth services. This work included gathering information from youth focus groups. MMHC worked with our newly formed Tribal Local Opioid Coalition (partners/stakeholders) to leverage their expertise and support in developing a comprehensive “Plan.” The Plan provided a pathway forward in addressing youth opioid/stimulant use in our communities and improving opioid and stimulant use disorder prevention, access, and treatment services to our youth.

Primary Contact:
Name: John Vas
Position: CEO
Agency: Mathiesen Memorial Health Clinic
Email: John.Vass@CRIHB.org
Phone: 209-984-4827

Website: https://www.mathiesenclinic.com