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Direct Service

Harbor Community Health Centers

Project Name: Adolescent and Early Adult Addiction/Recovery Program


Harbor Community Health Centers (HCHC) will expand its existing Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) services to include an Adolescent and Early Adult Addiction/Recovery program. This program will strengthen HCHC’s capacity and increase access to treatment for a broad spectrum of substance use disorders, including opioid use disorders and stimulant use disorders, especially among Latinx youth and young adults experiencing homelessness in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County.

Project activities focus on comprehensive, age-appropriate interventions, including screening and referral to treatment with general and specialty care providers. Additional activities include case management and outreach, peer support, prevention, and supportive services. Our goal is to better address the specific needs of youth and young adults and diversify the range of health care settings that can serve as an access point for youth to receive evidence-based treatment.

Primary Contact for Information about the Project:

Name: Caleb Lusk, MD
Title: Medical Director
Email address: clusk@pickharbor.org
Phone number: 310-547-0202 

Agency Web Site link: https://www.harborchc.org/services/substance-use-disorder

West County Health Centers

Project Name: West County Health Youth Services School Partnership

Partners: West Sonoma County Union High School District- Analy High School & Laguna High School, Guerneville Unified School District


As part of a network of community-based organizations, West County Health Centers will backbone and provide direct care and supportive services for students and families with opioid, stimulant and other substance use or misuse disorders within the school environment. This Community School model, in which collaborative services are offered where students and families congregate and systems of services are already connected, allows for a more natural space for integrated addiction and behavioral health services. 

This grant will allow for training for staff, community and peers, about harm-reduction, substance use assessment, treatment options, referral to care, care management support, and stigma reduction; MAT for students and families with substance use disorder; psychiatric assessment and treatment for co-morbid mental health disorders; care management and care coordination for students and families; peer training and co-design around support and engagement programs; needle exchange; and Naloxone distribution. 

Primary Contact:  

Name: Erin Elo 
Position: Youth & Gender Services Manager 
Email: eelo@wchealth.org 
Phone: 707-887-0427 

Website: https://www.wchealth.org/service/youth-services/

UCFS Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

YOR I Project Name: Expanding Access to Evidence-Based Treatment for Youth with Addiction

Partner Agencies (Subcontractors): Boston Children’s Hospital Adolescent Substance Use and Addiction Program (ASAP)

Project Description: For over 40 years, the UCSF Division of Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine has provided exemplary and innovative health care services and has trained health care professionals and scholars from a variety of disciplines at the graduate and postgraduate education level. As such, our project has three important aims:

  • To expand access to evidence-based addiction treatment (including MAT) for youth through our Youth Outpatient Substance Use Program (YoSUP)
  • To facilitate excellent training in youth addiction medicine for California’s pediatric providers through the UCSF Youth Addiction Medicine Training Program
  • To build a collaborative network of youth addiction treatment providers in the San Francisco Bay Area and throughout California

With support from YOR California, we will lead efforts to ensure that developmentally appropriate and evidence-based treatment options become the standard of care for California youth struggling with addiction.

YOR II Project Name: UCSF Youth Outpatient Substance Use Program (YoSUP)

Primary Contact:
Name: Veronika Mesheriakova, M.D.
Position: Director
Agency: University of California San Francisco
Email: YoSUP@ucsf.edu
Phone: 415-514-7604

Website: https://youthsubstanceuse.ucsf.edu

Summary: UCSF Project

California University of Science and Medicine (CUSM)/ Arrowhead Regional Medical Center

Project Name: San Bernardino County Youth Opioid Response (SBCYOR)

Partner Agencies: Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, San Bernardino County Department of Probation, Sheriff’s Department, Department of Behavioral Health, County Office of Education, Collaborative Treatment Courts, County Emergency Services Department.

Project Description: SBCYOR aimed to offer more resources for the target population with OUDs who need emergency treatment and recovery services that are accessible, effective, and comprehensive through evidence-based practices by creating community collaborations to appropriately identify and enroll at risk youth with OUDs within our communities, to avoid overdose and possible death. The project was able to provide services and educational programs in hospitals, school districts, community outreach, detention center, drug courts, and behavioral health clinics in our region. SBCYOR utilized and enhanced the efforts of our expert team to create effective community collaborations to appropriately identify and enroll at risk youth with OUD within San Bernardino County, in effort to avoid overdose and possible death while providing services and education in hospitals, school districts, community outreach, detention centers (juvenile and adult), drug courts, and behavioral health clinics.

Primary Contact:
Name: Dr. Michael Neeki, D.O.
Position: Main Program Director
Agency: SBC YOR
Email: neekim@armc.sbcounty.gov
Phone: (909) 771-1029

Website: www.sbcyor.org

Published Report: San Bernardino County Youth Opioid Response: Improving Access to Evidence-Based Medical Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder – PubMed (nih.gov)

La Clinica de la Raza, Inc.

Project Name: La Clinica de la Raza YOR BASE4 Program

Project Description: La Clinica de la Raza’s HIV/AIDS prevention services program (TRUCHA, or Together Reaching Users Combating HIV/AIDS) developed a wrap-around program, YOR Base4, to engage youth and young adults in opioid and stimulant use disorder (OUD/StUD) peer navigation, education, and treatment services to reduce their risk of opioid/stimulant overdoses. YOR Base4 enhanced existing substance use disorder treatment and navigation services and provided a safer environment for participants to ensure they receive culturally relevant and sustainable care. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) services are available to all participants who wish to access them, and the program also contracts with external agencies to provide participants with treatment options outside of MAT services provided at La Clinica de La Raza. Overall, the program encourages harm reduction for this target population and reduces the risk of OUD/StUDs in Alameda County.

Primary Contact:
Name: Carmen Foster
Position: Program Director
Agency: La Clinica de la Raza, Inc.
Email: cfoster@laclinica.org
Phone: 510-535-6417

Website: TRUCHA (Together Reaching Users Combating HIV and AIDS) – La Clinica

Yurok Health and Human Services Department, Yurok Tribe

YOR I Project Name:  Yurok Youth Opioid Response

Project Description: Yurok provided outreach and engagement to Yurok Tribal youth and families at risk and with OUD.  Planned outreach included community engagement/events, cultural mentoring, education events, development and distribution of outreach materials, and social media campaign.  Prevention and intervention included youth groups using American Indian Life Skills, Peers offering Education Wisdom and Respect (POWER), cultural mentoring individua and group, screening, referrals, and case management. Case management was provided to those who are at highest risk and in need of treatment and other assistance. The coordinator worked with MAT, SUD, and other providers to develop memorandums of understanding (MOUs) for increasing and streamlining of referrals, access, and joint training opportunities.

YOR II Project Name: Yurok Youth Opioid Response Program (YYOR)

Partner Agencies:

  • Yurok Tribe Wellness Coalition, Yurok Tribal Court
  • Yurok Tribe Education
  • Two Feathers Native American Family Services
  • Department of Health and Human Services; Humboldt/Del Norte Counties
  • Northern California Indian Development Council
  • INC
  • United Indian Health Services
  • K’ima:w Medical Center
  • Rx Safe-Humboldt/Del Norte Counites

Project Description: Our mission is to address opioid/stimulant use disorders (OUD/StUDs) among Yurok youth ages 12-24, providing access to services such as intervention, screening, assessment, and comprehensive case management. Continued focus is on stigma reduction and accessing services, including Medication-Assisted Treatment. Youth response programming aims to increase contingency planning to include culturally relevant treatment and recovery services. We are guided by our values of cultural responsiveness, family engagement, and youth-driven, trauma-informed practice.  Also, YYOR is about strengthening our partnerships; we are engaging, networking, and developing agreements with community partners, such as health care systems and mental health service providers serving the most rural demographics of both Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. The intended outcome of our approach is to increase sustainable access to treatment and intervention services for Yurok youth and their families that have been impacted by OUD/StUDs.

Primary Contacts:
Name: Annelia Hillman
Position: Yurok Health and Human Services Program Outreach Services Manager
Agency: Yurok Tribe
Email: ahillman@yuroktribe.nsn.us
Phone: (530) 625 – 4130 x1619

Name: Alita Redner
Position: ICWA/Behavioral Health Division Director, Yurok Health and Human Services Department
Agency: Yurok Tribe
Email: aredner@yuroktribe.nsn.us
Phone: 530-625-4130

Website: www.yuroktribe.org/yurok-youth